Catch me if you can

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Hello Almosters,

This trip report will start a bit earlier than usual, Last monday I recieved a txt message at 7:23am from @rashid_Jass saying "Check your pm". I was super excited as for an old newbie this might be an intermediate exam invitation but it was not, it was an invitation to "Catch me if you can". The name of the drive dictates that it is about speed and the instructions mentioned "only by invitation" "no thread on forum" &"No passengers allowed" so I got an idea how would it look like, nevertheless I took the time throughout the week to read previous trip reports for the same drive.

The drive:

Arriving to Al Faqaa meeting point around 2pm to find brett , Presa, & Martin. I started deflating and waited for the others, which were mostly either from my CM batch of November 2021 or Marshals (lots of marshals!!). As soon as Rashid & Optimus arrived we had a quick briefing assuring everyone that this is not an Exam and safety is our priority. Each Newbie gets a turn to be 2nd lead for 10mins approximately (Brett was keeping the time) and then goes back to the end of the convoy. As soon as we hit the dunes the timing started and the convoy was flying and dripping adrenaline, after 20mins or so the GPS recorded 37km/hr!

At the first 2nd try Rapialo came on the radio saying don't wait for second tries the next driver should continue and the driver doing the second try joins the convoy again. This kept the convoy flow going smoothly for full 2 hours. The convoy flow in general was amazing and everyone was enjoying the drive. Marshals were everywhere , driving in and out of the convoy, tailgating some drivers. Lots of sharp attention was required to keep up with Marshals, track, speed, & your car not to mention that the car infront of you or the convoy order was changing every while for second tries.

My drive statistics:
Distance: 50.91Km
Avg Moving speed: 35.8Km/h
Max speed: 72.4Km/h
Moving time: 1:25:14
Stopping time: 00:33:08

Overall everyone played safely, we had almost no recoveries and I believe everyone went back home with a big SMILE on their faces.

Big thank you to Rashid for the invitation and for organizing this great drive.
Big thanks to the Marshals (Rapailo, Presa, Scorpio, Optimus, Singh, Abu Bakr) not sure if i missed any , they were too many to count.

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Hey Almosters
“Catch me if you can” we used to call it the drive that never happened 🤐
This drive is one of the main events that you have to attend it in your journey with the club to upgrade to the next level, I can say it is an introduction to the intermediate level, in this drive Marshals assess you and see how you preform under pressure and if you are ready to enter the intermediate exam
For me it was my second time attending this drive,
The first one I did it with my previous car GMC Yukon in Nahil area, but this drive was something totally different🤩
The level of the drive was much higher than the previous one I did ( from my point of view)
The drive started with a quick brief from our leader Rashid mentioning that it is just another drive but with more speed, it is not an exam and play safe
Then he asked who want to be the first 2nd lead ( because of my experience with this drive before)
I asked to be the first one 😎
As I said before this drive was something else from what I’ve done before, Rashid started like a bullet climbing dunes, side cresting from side to side and riding the crests, honestly it was wow 🤩 and I didn’t feel how my time flew away and it is time to another driver to be the 2nd lead and the fun continued with a very good performance from my fellows, of course we had some second tries which causes disconnection of the convoy because in this kind of high speed drives when second tries happened the gap between the cars will be huge so marshals allow us to overtake if it is safe to do
We drove for around 1:40 hour and as Ghoneim mentioned 50 km (I am really surprised 😲) really I didn’t feel how the time flew
Finally closing my report with a huge thank to Rashid Jass for allowing me to join in this amazing drive and for his incredible lead
A huge thank as well to all support Marshals ( Scorpio, Singh, Presa, Abu Baker, Optimus and Rapailo) for their efforts and keeping an eye on everyone
To all my fellows who did really great and play safe and I hope to see you all in the next level 😉
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Greetings fellow off-road enthusiasts,

I'm thrilled to share the adrenaline-pumping experience of the "Catch Me If You Can" off-road drive that took place recently. From the moment I received the invitation from Rashidjass, anticipation filled the air. Here's a recap of our exhilarating journey!

Upon receiving a PM from Rashidjass, inviting me to join the drive on Saturday at 14:30, excitement surged through my veins. Although renowned as the "drive that never happens," I couldn't help but prepare my car meticulously. I changed the oil, cleaned the filter, and delved into various references and sought advice from my intermediate mates. I was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

As the day arrived, I found myself at the meeting point in Al Faqa area well ahead of time. The scorching heat, reaching a staggering 45º, reminded us of the challenges that lay ahead. I took the opportunity to deflate my tires, acclimate to the heat, and engage in conversations with my fellow newbies and the marshals present. The camaraderie and excitement were palpable, setting the stage for an unforgettable adventure.

The briefing, delivered by Rashid, was concise yet impactful. The message was clear: play safe, remember it's not an exam, but expect a slightly faster pace. As Rashid's voice echoed through the radio, a surge of anticipation washed over me. Little did I know the adrenaline-fueled ride that awaited us.

Nidal was car number 2, I eagerly took my place as car number 3. As we set off, my heart raced, reaching an unprecedented 145 beats per minute. The drive was challenging, filled with unexpected twists and turns that demanded unwavering focus and skill. Yet, it was precisely these challenges that made it the most enjoyable drive I had experienced thus far.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Rashidjass, Scorpio, Sight, Presa, Raphailo, Optimus, Abu Baker, and the entire team for their exceptional leadership, organization, and unwavering commitment to our safety and enjoyment. Their dedication ensured that every moment behind the wheel was filled with thrill and excitement. Thanks to Brett, who kept time under control.

Until our next adrenaline-fueled expedition.
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Drive that never happened... Yet it did:) (again)
Similarly to @nidal I had a chance to experience it again - in a different car. And what a difference does it make :) (or maybe it's the skills/confidence progression - only Marshalls can tell I guess ;)) Not to say Prado is a bad car (which it is not!) - but in FJ everything just seemed to come... easier. I am pretty certain with the old rig I would have been a drag to the convoy - which was flying this time (figuratively, not literally!).

The drive was spectacular, very fast, and most definitely 10+. I think we spent more time on the crest (or approach to it) than on the flat ground. With very strong winds (which made it on the flip side difficult to judge the terrain and follow the path) you can only imagine how beautiful it was to witness the cars lifting tons of sand in the air. I enjoyed the drive throughout, although with the soft sand any misjudgment of speed or approach angle inevitably resulted in a second try. This did not interrupt the flow too much though as we followed the "last man standing" way. Also, we ended up the drive with no stucks, which only shows the progress all the drivers made.

I only got into the second lead position as the last car - so big was the enthusiasm among fellow drivers ;) And as always the 15 minutes passed in a whiff - it was too short! I only wish for more drives like that in the future!

The learning from these kind of drives is not to push beyond what is reasonable - even if the gaps start to open up do your best to catch up, but don't push yourself (or the car) into the danger zone - it is not difficult to misjudge the maximum speed an obstacle can be taken or hit that dich just a little bit too fast (@Rapaillo did an excellent job before the start of the drive reminding us of examples how in can result in a rollover - scaring the sh*t out of us before the start :))

Big thank you to all the Marshalls who made this drive possible! And there were quite a few: @Rapailo, @presa, @Scorpio, @Optimus, @Singh, @mabubaker and of course @rashidjass.

Stats show impressive 51km covered, driving 1h45 (7 mins stopped!)

See you in the sand!!

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14:30 Batch
“Catch me if you can” has been an enigma of a drive that I’ve been hearing and reading about since i joined this club. The closest I got to experiencing this thrilling drive was my wife’s excited recounting of her participation in the drive a few years ago, which raised my anticipation for this roller coaster ride.

Needless to say that when I saw the invite in my inbox, I was almost as excited as a kid in a candy store. Almost, because my car had some unresolved heating issues and there was no way that it would survive a high speed drive in this blisteringly hot weather. Fortunately for me, the love of my life generously offer me her car, provided that i didn’t get to attached to it.

Abu Baker was the Leading Marshal on this drive, so he explained the rules, which were pretty straightforward:
1. Each driver in the convoy would take the position of second lead for approximately 15 minutes.
2. Drive safely and make safe driving decisions at all times.
3. The second lead should keep a safe distance behind the Lead, but not fall so far behind that he looks like a stalker, rather than a part of the same convoy.
I volunteered to go first because I figured it would be a great way to overcome my perpetual procrastination. Perhaps I should have procrastinated one last time.

Abu Baker started the drive like he was being chased by the Jinns of Al Faqaa. So needless to say, the drive was pretty high paced. We crested and switched our way over every dune in sight, and then some. The cresting, climbing and switching challenges on this drive tested each drivers understanding and control of his car. Despite the unusually high pace which demanded intense focus from all participants, the convoy seemed to move effortlessly and looked amazing in my rear view mirror. It was as if I was being followed by a desert freight train made by Toyota.

It felt like I’d been driving for about 3 minutes when Brett announced a change of second lead. Looking at the time on the center console clock I realized that Brett was spot. I also realized that Einstein must have stumbled upon his theory of relativity while participating in catch me if you can.

All said and done, this was a wonderful experience and a treasured addition to my collection of fond memories. Thanks for an awesome drive Abu Baker and the team of marshals (Scorpio, Rashid, Danilo, Singh, Optimus, Rapailo) who braved the scorching heat and a bellowing sand storm to keep a watchful eye over our convoy. Congratulations to my fellow batch mates, you all drove your hearts out and seemed to have had an absolute blast in the process. Catch you on the sand sometime soon.
Ride or Die🚙
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