Let’s try one more time!

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Hello Almosters !

A great thank you to Giorgio for leading and organizing this drive, and to Rapailo, Rathika and MGhoneim for supporting us !

It was a small convoy and a thrilling drive ! I loved it ! The right amount of challenges, a pinch of adrenaline with a good paced drive, some switching, arches and reasonable size dunes !

I must say I was missing the early morning drives and this beautiful scenery on the way to the Nagrah Hill of Sweihan!

We have been already a couple of times in that area but today we tasted higher dunes, training on bigger arches than usual. It was truly a great experience and we had several mini briefings where Rapailo and Giorgio shared great technical explanations (gears, RPM, angle etc) on how to tackle the dunes. It was very insightful!! 🙏🏻 Thank you so much for that !

I still need to improve my arrival/exit on the dune as I got crested 2 or 3 times (can’t recall… but I have never used so much my rope except during the GPS challenge…), as well as my speed while going down the big arches, but overall I felt I had a better control and feeling of my car. (Finally !)

Oh and by the way, we drove that old lady’s Dune 🤓 legend says that her spirit is still haunting the dune… which must be true since Rapailo’s car got offered as a tribute to grant us safe passage… really our marshals are so dedicated and thoughtful!

Many thanks for your time and this wonderful morning !
See you all very soon for more sandy adventures…

Ps : thank you Rathika for the rescue tips 😘
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Hello everyone! in love
I’ll take advantage of my wonderful day off from the very early morning and share my trip report. I really miss the club, the drives and all the guys in our 10+ batch.
An additional surprise was the fresh weather in the morning, which was not typical for this time of year.
As usual, during Ramadan we don’t have many morning drives at our club and, accordingly, the convoy was small. But as they say “less is more.” More speed, more drive, more adrenaline and of course practice. thumbsup
On my own behalf, I want to say that when moving to a higher level of drive, it is not possible to keep the car in the same condition as during more family trips. Everything should be well organized, fixed, there should be no flying objects in the car, no beautiful hanging jars of car perfumes, including flying hair. Guys, you are luckier here. :secret_laugh:
When you hear “Convoy moved” , there is simply no time for fixing, and accordingly, the focus of attention should be only on the drive and on the track , otherwise, it is very easy to miss the momentum, and therefore the required speed, and, as a result, not to be able to do it.
Lesson learned!
Further, during the briefing it was clearly stated that radio communication and distance are required! If something didn’t work out the first time, report on the radio, call for a second try and do it again. If you don’t follow this rule, you put not only yourself in a dangerous situation, but also all the drivers in the convoy following you(talking about my mistake)
Another lesson accepted and learned!
But there was no other way, just to focused on the drive and to really enjoy it. :innocent:
Overall, the convoy coped with the task perfectly, of course under the leadership of the marshal @giorgio and @rapailo and their invaluable instructions. As well as thanks to the help of a support team in person of @Mghoneim and our beloved @Rathica .
It was another unforgettable morning with friends.
Many thanks to everyone who made this drive possible.
Looking forward to see you all soon!
With love :in_love:
Yours Vika
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Hello Almosters,

This 10+ level drive in Sweihan took place under an amazing weather with a small group of drivers in Sweihan

The drive started with no warm up for the drivers and the pace was moderate high.
A mix of different skills were put under test during the drive.
Over all the group coop well with the demand and the lever was kept on a high level

Multiple second tries some assisted recoveries and more breaks than the usual to discuss in more detail what to do and what not to do was served during the drive

My comments for the fellow drivers are as follows:

The drive starts when we take attendance
You have to be focus from the moment you get to your car till the moment you start inflating
Call for your second tries
bypassing part of the track does not make you a better driver the second tries make you a better driver
If you are feeling tiered at the end of the drive ask for a break, keep pushing your self to perform when you don't have the stamina can only lead to bad performance
After the drive and when you are relaxed, review the drive and critic your performance. Focus on what you think you did wrong and what you will have to do next time to avoid making the same mistakes.,

Closing my report I would like to thank all the support team @Mghoneim @Rathica and our floating Marshal @rapailo for looking after the convoy and its needs.

For the rest of you keep driving keep improving. Looking forward to see you all on the next 10+ (assuming that your reports will be posted)
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A diverse group of Newbie off-roading enthusiasts, mixed with Intermediate supporters and Marshals gathered to explore the challenging terrain of the Sweihan Desert.
Our adventure began as our convoy of rugged FJ Cruisers rolled onto the golden sands of the Sweihan Desert, anticipation mounting with each each nugget of technical advice being shared by Giorgio on how best to tackle the challenges that Sweihan has to offer. Surrounded by endless dunes that stretched as far as the eye could see, we knew we were in for an unforgettable experience.
As we reached the base of the first set of towering dunes, our newbies eagerly took the wheel, guided by the expertise of our Marshal Giorgio, supervised under the watchful eye of Rapillo. With cautious determination, they navigated the shifting sands, testing their skills with each successive climb and descent.
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, we ventured deeper into the desert, marveling at the untamed beauty of our surroundings. The sweeping dunes and vast expanse of the desert landscape provided a stunning backdrop for our off-roading adventure.
With increasing confidence, our Newbies tested their skills further, tackling the high climbs, big arches and sharp ridges while balancing their descent.

1. Take your biological break during car preparation (deflation and flag hoisting and not after the briefing).
2. Be vigilant during the briefing- ask questions and clear doubts during the briefing so you are confident during the drive.
3. Keep your music low - as a Newbie, you need to hear your engine and feel your car’s response to the terrain. Loud music prevents this.
4. Keep the convoy together - knowing when and where to control their vehicles and keep a safe distance, and when to speed up and match the 4 - 5 car distance.
5. Again, keep the convoy together- it’s so important that you are able to see the car in front of you - you can see when they hit a bump or slow down to tackle a ditch or navigate a particular challenge. If you can’t see the car in front, you place yourself and your vehicle at risk. Also, there are many tracks left by other convoys- if you can’t see the car in front, you may follow the wrong track and put yourself and the cars behind you at risk.
6. Call your second tries. If the driver cannot as they can in a challenging position- the car behind who may be more able to should call it for them so the rest of the convoy and the lead Marshal knows that there is a situation and can slow down.
7. Not changing the track when making a second try - to complete the second try as per the original track so that the skill is learned.
8. Choosing the right PSI for your car given the emergence of hotter temperatures.
@Ely, changing your car means that your learning starts from zero - the FJ in terms of weight, handling and capability handles very differently from the Jimny. It may help you to do some -5 drives again - less pressure to learn how to drive this new car. I changed from a Jeep to an FJ and it has been a humbling experience as I’ve had to change my driving style and now I have to look at the Rev Meter - something I never had to do with the Jeep and sometimes I get it wrong - supporting in Newbie drives helps me work on those skills.

Finally, with memories made, we bid farewell to the Sweihan Desert, already planning our next adventure in this untamed beauty.
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Crossing into new frontiers.

The morning drive during Ramadan had me pondering the difficulties of fasting.I awoke in darkness at 5:10 am, getting ready to depart at 5:48 am. It took 56 minutes to arrive at the rendezvous, where Vika and Gorgio were already at the meeting point.

The climate was pleasantly cool at 15 degrees. Marshal Gorgio assembled and briefed us, warning of a swift and demanding drive ahead. After a 5-minute demonstration, we reconvened to ensure everyone was clear on the driving technique.Initially lagging behind, I faced challenges in certain areas with the sand being exceptionally soft.

We enjoyed the driving experience, fully immersing ourselves in its style. I was paying attention to potential tire issues, but, thankfully, none occurred.

The group performed good, navigating the drive skillfully, even though some encountered obstacles or ditches.Facing such an unexpected challenge during Ramadan was unforeseen, yet it turned out to be an extraordinary experience.

A heartfelt thank you to the support and rescue team for their assistance.
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"Let’s Try One More Time!" Sweihan, "Old Lady."

We started in Sweihan and concluded at the iconic landmark of "Old Lady."

Marshal @giorgio and @rapailo , explained well how the drive is going to be, prior to the drive, we received a detailed briefing outlining the expectations of the drive and strategies for navigating various situations. Emphasis was placed on maintaining control, communication and adaptability throughout the journey.

The trail traversed through medium and high sand dunes, presenting a mix of challenges and opportunities for adrenaline-fueled adventure.

One of the primary challenges encountered was the need to control speed on dune crests while making timely adjustments to maintain traction and stability. Negotiating the undulating terrain demanded precision and focus.

A standout moment of the drive was the exhilarating climb up "Old Lady," a feat that showcased the team's skill and determination. Additionally, the experience of pushing the limits without encountering a limiter cutoff with @rapailo added an extra dimension of excitement to the learning. The importance of controlling emotions to influence outcomes effectively. Maintaining composure and making calculated decisions were essential in navigating challenging situations.
"Let’s Try One More Time!" was more than just an off-road drive; it was a test of skill, perseverance, and camaraderie. As the team reflected on the challenges overcome and the memories made, it reinforced the significance of pushing boundaries and embracing adventure.

Special thanks to the marshals @giorgio and @rapailo whose guidance and expertise ensured a safe and memorable experience.

It's better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.

:ninja: White FJ 17294 :ninja:
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