Rescue The Marshals - Where is my showel

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Hello everybody!!!  thumbsup

Just before the event all of us were reminded that in every level we have to learn and practice specific set of skills " Grading System Details" so Rescue The Marshal is survival training and it was melt

The event started at 3 pm, meeting poin at 2.30pm. I have to admit it was still very hot, what addited some spicy feelings to the event itself. The rules of the game were not quite usual, because after a short briefing, the entrance to the desert had to be overcome on full tyres, which turned out to be not easy.  While the members of the convoy were stuck and made self-recovery, the rest waited, enjoying the view. Then, when finally all the participants arrived, the very  cognitive and informational part of the event started.

@alshamsi_m provided all the details and subtleties about the use of tools, clearly demonstrated the differences and advantages.  He also showed all the possible and impossible options for the rescue and self-recovery with all the ensuing consequences.  The entire presentation was accompanied by invaluable experience of marshals.
After that, everyone proceeded to the funniest part of the event.  The entire convoy was divided into pairs, where each of the drivers had to practice the above.  I joined @Aljamhi,  @Ahmadtodxb and @Sumaya to practice how to dig properly with the shovel and to pull the stuck car on a safely manner. Even without starting i found out a leakage under my car, so steering box got damaged and I had to leave my car and to continue the training on my own two wheels.
All actions were accompanied by a huge number of sand fountains, digging, pulls, and most importantly, great pleasure.

When it started to come dark we finished the exercise & got together for a bit of chit chatting and I went home with an smile in my face no matter what. I couldn’t have asked for anything better than this for Rescue the Marshal so thanks a lot to @alshamsi_m for organizing the event and @Rashidjass for taking care of my Brave girl , @Scorpio for helping us with a digging part, @Rapailo for keeping an eye on us, all and everyone for participating, watermelon and great time.

Looking forward to see you soon.

Yours Vika in love
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Hello everyone

Before starting, I will say who has missed this training he missed a lot

I was very interested to join the trip from the trip description, but the description was nothing compared to the actual !

Personally I have learned how to do self recovery from positions I was thinking it is impossible , how I have to be relaxed and take the required time to do the recovery, and much more

All this was in very nice , funny and friendly atmosphere between the team and all teams,with the direct supervision of our Founder , marshals and rescue team

For me was one of the best trips

Moustafa Selim


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Hello My family in love

I learned a lot to do self-recovery, and how to get out of the sand when you are badly stuck, learned how to tow a stuck vehicle, towing points, and how to disposal with these difficult situations. I thought I had experience in these things in the past, but after this day I learned the experienced in the Practical. I was alone and had not joined a team, and I was doing what I learned from the explanation, and it was explained to me in more details Marshals Rashid and scorpion, and I was explained to me how to dig with a shovel, and this helped me a lot.
Thank you, Rashid, + Brett + scorpion for supporting me grin

Thank you Bu Salem for this drive to learn us how to survive in desert :yarr:

Thanks & Regards
Bu Saood
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Hello Everyone

I got a very enthused group of newbies this time. where we had great fun watching and gauding them through the scenarios.

Thanks to all the marshals who showed up for the training session and looking forward to seeing more shoveling soon grin

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In simple terms, I was nervous about going on a desert drive, but I really wanted to go. I asked many questions to understand what to expect. I planned to avoid getting stuck in the sand, but it turns out that was the goal.

Then, Marshal Bu Salem and his team arrived and taught us important skills and scenarios. We tried them all, and I want to thank Abu Salem, although he forgot to mention something about rollovers.

I took the experience seriously, just like my colleagues. We got stuck in the sand but managed to recover as self recovery skill with instructions from Marshal Rashid JASS. Thanks to him.

In the second scenario, I handled a crest sink perfectly, but I realized it was hard work. Alshami praised me and asked me to keep digging until I saw light from all sides. I ended up covered in sand, even my face.

Thanks to Marshal Rashid for recording me in that sandy state. I learned a lot from the skilled team, and it built my confidence for desert trips and service.

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Good morning, Every Almosters!

First off, let me apologize for my fashionably late trip report. I had some personal issues, mainly involving my alarm clock having a serious disagreement with me. But hey, better late than never, right? have a nice day

Now, let's talk about this trip I've been eagerly waiting for since last year. I had my heart set on a winter adventure, but to my surprise (and slight dismay), our beloved marshals decided to turn up the heat and do it in the scorching summer. And I discovered they do it with intentions melt melt , hahahah

We rolled into our meeting point at a cool 2:30 PM with explicit instructions not to deflate for the shovels group.

Our fearless leader, Bu Salim gave us a brief pep talk, and then it was off to our designated playground. Of course, my Pajero and I had a date with destiny (read: getting stuck) pissed off , my trusty Pajero immediately decided to take a snooze in the sand :z_z_z_Z_: : :z_z_Z: . After a few hilarious attempts to break free, I finally surrendered and deflated those tires.
another brave soul in an FJ joined my stuck party thumbsup . It was like a stuck-themed fiesta! The marshals, probably sensing our stuck enthusiasm, wisely ordered all of us to deflate our tires.

Finally, we made it to the participation area, where Bu Salim transformed into a sand-whispering guru, sharing wisdom about rescues and tools that could rival MacGyver's :faill: . We were divided into groups, and I ended up with the adventurous GERMANIA. We hunted for the perfect spot to get stuck, and, with a grin, I told GERMANIA to let me handle this since I was already a professional at getting stuck :D
Much to my surprise, despite my best efforts to bury my car in the sand, I remained stubbornly un-stuck.

Just when I thought I had mastered the art of being stuck, we got SCORPION telling us we are not even stuck and we can move easily, we finally got moving. But, as luck would have it, I got stuck again while attempting to relocate, Typical me, right? We manage that task and and move on to cresting.

In my eagerness to conquer the world (or at least the sand dunes), I overexerted myself and suddenly felt like a deflated tire. My trusty companion insisted that I take a break in the car while he continued the digging task. Note to self: always listen to the experts and remember to stay in good health for desert escapades!

We wrapped up all our exercises and rewarded ourselves with some much-needed Karak and Coffee, accompanied by sweet, juicy watermelon.

Huge shoutout and thanks to our fantastic marshals Al Shamsi, Rashid, Scorpion, and raphilo for keeping the adventure rolling. Special thanks to Mohamed Salim, vika, and laarni for the thirst-quenching watermelon. And last but not least, thanks to my partner in stuck-crime, GERMANIA, for the good times.

Until next time, my ALMOST family, keep rolling, stay stuck (or not), and never forget to hydrate with some watermelon magic! 🚙💨🍉✌️
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The Rescue the Marshal event, organized by @alshamsi_m, along with a group of Marshals and intermediates, brought off-road fans together for a day of learning, teamwork, and shoveling adventures. Even though the sun was blazing, we all gathered at the meeting point around 2:30 PM, curious about what the day had in store.

The event was split into two main groups: the shoveling group and the observing group. I was in the shoveling team, and we were told not to let the air out of our tires just yet. We'd do that at another spot about 3 to 5 kilometers down the road.

There was no specific order for our cars in the convoy as we ran to them after a drive briefing from Bu Salem. Once the cars entered the desert, Our adventure began with a Pajero getting stuck in the sand. After a few attempts at freeing it, Marshal decided to let some air out of its tires and to move in. Meanwhile, I noticed Al Jamhi stuck as well. at this point i realised this drive wouldn't be a walk in the park.

Surprisingly, we managed to overtake the stuck Pajero (i think it driven by Korym) and headed toward our meeting point. But just a few hundred meters later, my car got stuck too. @Rapailo tried to help by suggesting various things to try (like low gear and A-trac), but my car was firmly stuck. Finally, @Brett professionally helped me get unstuck. A few moments later, more cars in our convoy got stuck in the sand. It was quite a chaotic scene. Bu Salim told us all to let some air out of our tires and head to the meeting point. Lesson learned: 'Don't drive in the desert with fully inflated tires.'

We all successfully made it to Bu Salim, who then talked to us about different scenarios that off-roaders might encounter and how to handle them. He covered topics like towing techniques, fixing tire pop-out issues, and dealing with tricky situations.

After the discussion, Bu Salim asked us to group up and practice. That's when the real fun began! I joined Al Jamhi, Sumaya, and Vika, and we went all out, getting our cars covered in sand. we made it so crazy blank .. Thanks to Mustafa, Scorpio, Vika, Sumaiya, and others who helped us free our cars. it took me two days cleaning my car from sand.

In short, it was another unforgettable day where we learned a lot and had a great time under the watchful eye of the Marshals. A big thank you to @alshamsi_m, the Marshals, intermediates, and all the drivers who made this day so enjoyable.

Best regards,
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