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Last out of 4

Posted: Sat May 11, 2024 3:11 pm
by Paddy
A Tale of Surprises on the Sand

Among the myriad drives listed on the app, one stood out as a delightful surprise—a clandestine adventure waiting to unfold.

Upon our request, the enigmatic @giorgio graciously granted our wish, surprising us all with a drive that promised excitement and anticipation in equal measure.

As the appointed day dawned, I eagerly made my way to the meeting point, greeted by the presence of fellow enthusiasts already brimming with excitement. With the anticipation of another unforgettable @giorgio -led expedition, our expectations soared.

However, fate had a twist in store. In a departure from the norm, @giorgio was conspicuously absent upon our arrival—a deviation from his punctual habits. Just as the air thickened with curiosity, he made a timely entrance, embodying the very essence of the word "surprise." Adding to the intrigue, our esteemed founder, @alshamsi_m , took the helm of the 10- convoy, while Solmaz assumed the mantle of leading marshal for the 10+ newbies. Meanwhile, @giorgio assumed the role of floating marshal, supported by intermediates @Ehab and @osman

With the convoy assembled, we embarked on our journey, each glance revealing @giorgio 's watchful eye, ever vigilant like a hawk scanning its domain. The pace was brisk, punctuated by exhilarating climbs and deft side switches. Yet, beneath the surface, the challenge lay in the wet sand's deceptive grip, demanding a finesse not often required on drier terrain.

A final surprise awaited as @Rashidjass joined our ranks, adding another watchful gaze to our procession. Amidst the labyrinth of tracks and the occasional members veering off course, our drive acquired a fitting moniker—"Lost Tracks."

We concluded our drive near the iconic Old Lady, promising ourselves a future ascent of its formidable slopes.

A heartfelt thank you to @giorgio for granting our wish, @Solmaz for giving us a wonderful drive, @Rashidjass for watching over us, @Ehab and @osman for all your support.

See you all on sand soon.


Re: Last out of 4

Posted: Sat May 11, 2024 5:56 pm
by Ehab
Its been a while since i was able to get sometime and write a trip report, this one definitely a must.
Sweihan after rain is amazing considering very limited tracks are there, the sand is getting dry, better than last week and the week before for sure.

Solmaz was leading, Giorgio floating and Rashid also joined for a while. Solmaz give the 10+ a thrilling time with many side cresting, not the sharp ones we do as intermediates but enough to increase the adrenaline level of all drivers.
Solmaz is known how quick she drives and this drive was not different, we had multiple occasions where floating marshals had to find the lost sols.

Thanks to @solmaz and @gorgio for the amazing opportunity to support, huge learning for me, highly appreciated.

Re: Last out of 4

Posted: Sat May 11, 2024 8:14 pm
by TarrynLush
Leaving home before dark, the drive to Sweihan was interjected by patches of fog. Seeing the hot air balloons floating into the sunrise made me feel a lot better knowing some people had to wake up a lot earlier than I did 😝

As you approach Sweihan desert and its massive dunes you know - this is where the big boys come to play. I was very happy that they opened this drive up to the 10- Newbie drivers so we can get a bit of exposure while watching the intermediates play.

On arriving at the meeting point I was met by a convoy that was obviously NOT Almost 4X4. Noticeable by the fact that that there were no FJs present. Driving a little further down the road, I was met by the FJ club, and a token Patrol.

The 10- convoy was lead by @alshamsi_m but he didn’t give me the usual easy start…it was full steam ahead from the beginning and I really had to put foot to close the gap in the convoy.

Today’s drive was very enjoyable, it tested my handling of my vehicle and pushed me slightly outside my comfort level initially, but after the first hour I had found my rhythm.

Thank you to everyone that takes the time to make our drives safe and fun.
I really appreciate it.

See you in a couple weeks!




Re: Last out of 4

Posted: Sat May 11, 2024 9:38 pm
by Aljamhi
Series of challengeable drives.

I'll recount my experience transitioning into desert driving, a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. Throughout my journey, I've heard numerous stories about drivers facing critical situations, particularly the risks associated with fatigue and lack of focus towards the end of a drive. It is a known fact that most accidents occur in the last 15 minutes.

In one particular instance, a combination of distraction and ego led to an unexpected incident, which was a turning point for me. Since then, I've realized that while desert time can be the best, it still carries risks. This realization prompted me to always stay focused and heed the advice of our leaders.

Over the last six drives, I've made it a point to work hard, maintain a high heart rate, and stay fully focused. The fourth series of drives with Giorgio, M. Abu Baker, and Agalon was particularly formative, thanks to the guidance of the marshals.

The key lessons I've learned are crucial for safe desert driving. Firstly, knowing when to exit if your car can't handle the terrain and never challenging gravity unnecessarily. Secondly, when driving at the crest of a dune, it’s vital to maintain a consistent speed, choose the right angles, and control your descent from high dunes.

The first three series under Marshal Giorgio were overwhelming as I tried to maintain formation, but the fourth drive was exceptional from my perspective. Of course, a marshal has a deeper insight than a novice.

Today's drive was filled with challenges and skill-building opportunities, marking my transition and intro to an intermediate level maybe.

We started from Swihan with Solmaz leading the convoy and Giorgio along with intermediate members assisting. Positioned at the end, I learned survival skills as the track had been worn by the drivers ahead. Skills such as walking on walls, switching, and arching in high dunes were crucial. Often, the fear kicks in when marshals watch from unexpected angles, leading to comments like, "That was risky, newbie." However, on my last drive, I felt that I had finally gotten to know my car and engine, and I became better at making quick decisions.

All these activities have strengthened my abilities, and I consider myself a competent newbie in desert driving.

I am lucky that this is one of drives that had no pop out.

Re: Last out of 4

Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 2:47 pm
by Moustafa19
Hello everyone
Wen I was looking for the way @Solmaz driving in the road I was always asking myself how is this lady driving off road 😂

I got the answer now 😅

As the trip was for 10- & 10+ , @alshamsi_m was leading 10- with supporting Marshalls and intermediate

For 10+ @giorgio asked @Solmaz to be the leading marshal and he was floating with @Rashidjass with supporting of @Ehab and @othmanos

The trip was fast with many side cresting ,switching, high arching and high dunes .

@giorgio was with us in each and every action with his advice and corrections , as well @Rashidjass before he is moving to support 10-

Was beautiful trip and we have learned more and more from our amazing marshals

Finally we are all seeing the huge effort given from the club towards us to improve our skills and even personality, and appreciate this priceless effort
Specifically form @alshamsi_m and @giorgio and all our marshals
Also or club intermediate and advanced team are giving advice and support

Thanks also for all my colleagues how has joined to make this beautiful day and left with big smile washing to meet soon

Moustafa Selim

Re: Last out of 4

Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 2:47 pm
by Moustafa19
Hello everyone
Wen I was looking for the way @Solmaz driving in the road I was always asking myself how is this lady driving off road 😂

I got the answer now 😅

As the trip was for 10- & 10+ , @alshamsi_m was leading 10- with supporting Marshalls and intermediate

For 10+ @giorgio asked @Solmaz to be the leading marshal and he was floating with @Rashidjass with supporting of @Ehab and @othmanos

The trip was fast with many side cresting ,switching, high arching and high dunes .

@giorgio was with us in each and every action with his advice and corrections , as well @Rashidjass before he is moving to support 10-

Was beautiful trip and we have learned more and more from our amazing marshals

Finally we are all seeing the huge effort given from the club towards us to improve our skills and even personality, and appreciate this priceless effort
Specifically form @alshamsi_m and @giorgio and all our marshals
Also or club intermediate and advanced team are giving advice and support

Thanks also for all my colleagues how has joined to make this beautiful day and left with big smile wishing to meet soon

Moustafa Selim

Re: Last out of 4

Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 6:09 pm
by Sanadshaikh
This one felt like a comeback. A long haitus meant something was missing, and I don't simply mean brushing up on the skills and driving through the vast limitless desert, but doing it with the right crew.

Thanks to Abu Salem, Giorgio and support crew for making space for the -10 crew comprising of new CMs and those wanting to take a step back. This was my second time in Sweihan, and boy, the sheer scale & size of this desert can be overwhelming if not being led and supported by the right marshalls.

Post meet and greet, the two convoys were split and quick to commence a 3 hour fun journey. I was placed at the very end, just before sweeper Brett, got the much needed playtime and Abu Salem specifically instructed that I should not be disturbed 😅 A mostly chill drive with mid sized dunes and some technical areas, while witnessing intermediates take on the majestic Nagrah dune, and being treated to that special karak and dates. Was good to see new CMs perform well under the guidance of founder and supporting marshalls, taking every arch, drop, dune in a calculative and safe manner, while maintaining safe distance, following proper instructions and most importantly communicating.

Great to see the usual suspects and new faces. Until next time. I wonder where to next 🤔 ...........

Re: Last out of 4

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 2:14 pm
by brett
Last Out Of 4

Dear Almosters,

It was an early start from home with the meeting time set for 7am! I arrived just before 7am to find @Rooies and @osman in the new meeting point.
Before long all the drivers arrived, it was a large group of both 10- and 10+ drivers and intermediate, advanced and Marshals.
@giorgio was hiding slightly away from the meeting point before making an entrance just before scheduled departure time. The group was split into 2 convoys 10- and 10+
I was not sure which convoy I was assigned to ?? guess I wasn’t paying attention – or it was just too early in the morning for my old brain!
So, I tagged on and joined the 10- convoy to be led by @alshamsi_m . I volunteered as sweeper and off we went. A really nice and easy track by the Founder giving the newbies a chance to hone their skills on the firm sand with just enough thrown in to challenge them occasionally. We had very few second tries no pop outs, and the Viking rope was not required. So all in all a nice relax drive through some easy obstacles – although we did have one unfortunate passenger that found the roller coaster affect was enough to having bring up the content of his stomach (twice) in fairness it is not fun to be a passenger and if you are prone to motion sickness a drive in the desert – no matter how challenging will certainly have your stomach in knots.
When we reached the big dunes, the intermediates were given the opportunity to “play” while the newbies watched. @mpodroid , @Rooies were having a blast. I attempted a few climbs – trying to find that sweet spot between getting the approach momentum just right or being overly aggressive and bouncing like a kangaroo on the bumps in the climb (which is normally the case with me). No matter what I tried I was unable to hit the sweet spot and climb as high as I wanted and ending up turning down without reaching my goal. It was a rookie mistake as I hadn’t checked my tire pressure before attempting the big climbs.
As the drive came to an end, we were joined by the Mountain Goat himself @Rashidjass in the yellow and black beast easily climbing the highest points on the dunes and side cresting with ease! our marshals make it look so easy!! @Mabubaker in his new Forerunner making it look like a causal cruise along the E11 while climbing and switching from one crest to another.
We all made it the end point of the drive to inflate and chit chat before heading home after a lovely morning in Sweihan. It was at this point I realized my tire pressure had crept up to around 16psi – No Wonder I could not climb the big dunes !! rookie mistake!
Still much to learn and soak up the guidance of our Founder and Marshals. Every drive is a learning experience.

Re: Last out of 4

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 10:24 pm
by Chris69
Firstly big thanks to Giorgio the arranging Marshall for opening up a -10 drive convoy. Gave us newbies an opportunity to see the beautiful sweihan desert again and experience its thrills. Al Shamsi lead our -10 convoy with me as 3rd car following, our founder set off at a nice pace straight of the start with a really flowing route. I was one passenger down as shamsi did some on the spot weight reduction for my car and took one of my passengers shotgun in the lead car. During a stop break our founder went to play with my passenger in the car. Side sloping, switching and climbing the large dunes giving him an unforgettable 1st desert driving experience.

Unfortunately one of the two passengers I had left in my car got sick twice. The flowing drops we was doing too much to stomach in between the safari style. I was instructed to go to back in front of the sweeper for a more relaxed ride so my passenger could relax and hopefully not vomit again ☻️. I was a little disappointed as I was finding my groove, really enjoying 3rd car but good call on the founders part.

Thanks to the marhalls, supporting crew and intermediates for another fun morning on the Sand looking forward to the next drive as always 😀

Re: Last out of 4

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 11:37 pm
by Vika
Hello everyone!

Off-roading as our hobby, it's not just about adventure, about having fun, joy and adrenaline. First and foremost, it's a great responsibility. Responsibility for ourselves, responsibility for others. And everything has its influence on our performance. It's of great importance not only our skills, intuition, experience, condition, and mood, but also the condition of our vehicles. Being able to feel the car, not just during complex maneuvers, but in general, understanding how it behaves, is, I believe, crucial. Being able to avoid future mishaps, sensing the vehicle, and simply stopping the drive in time is also a significant , since our drives are not a competition.
And this is exactly what happened to me during our last drive. Surprises awaited us during the briefing, @Solmaz led our drive. It's always my great pleasure to participate in her drives and follow her incredible lines. Despite the difficulty, only this woman- Marshal manages to show how beautifully and smoothly it could be.

Unfortunately, I didn't manage to finish this distance and fully enjoy this drive, as I had to listen to my car's behavior and not complicate the situation for myself and all the participants. Therefore, I decided to head back and to get home safe and sound.

There's nothing better than spending time with friends, and until we meet again!

Thank you everyone who made this event happened!

With love,
