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Rangers Of The Night

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:25 pm
by Abu Jimmy
[TABLE="class: cms_table_cms_table"]
[TD]Organized by:
[TD]Abu Jimmy , 050 4664001[/TD]
[TD] Newbies 5+ drives .[/TD]
[TD]10 cars maximum[/TD]
[TD]Registration Start:
[TD]24 March 2013[/TD]
[TD]Registration End:
[TD]27 March 2013, 16:00[/TD]
[TD]Event Start:
[TD]28 March 2013, 21:00[/TD]
[TD]Event End:
[TD]29 March 2013, 11:30 am[/TD]

Meeting Point: It will be announced by PM on 27 March 2013, 20:00 to invited drivers. If you registered and you didn't receive PM, it is not a problem with your connection or our server. You will get other option soon to participate in the similarly attractive event.


We will meet us Thursday evening and drive easy night drive into the desert, to our BBQ camp (approx. 1 km). So kindly bring wood,food& good mood, to have your own BBQ and share with others .

This training desert drive is dedicated mainly to Newbie members with more than five drives .

To learn in a soft way how to pass over different type of dunes in different situations and improve stress and panicking behavior. The drive will be fast over some small & medium dunes with very sharp crests and powder soft sand .

Your car must be equipped with:

-Towing point front and rear
-Towing Rope
-Radio (walkie-talkie)
-Flag Pole
-Plastic Bags (to collect the garbage)

Before trip it is advisable to read club notes on safety and driving in convoy.

Trip discipline & compliance rules !!

Off-roading Equipment - What you need

Driving the Convoy in the Desert

Copy & Paste

Please kindly register with your nick, phone and car model (famous Almost4x4 copy & paste technology).

We ask all registered drivers, who for some reason cannot join, to remove their registration from the list, to allow others to take the free places in the convoy.
Those drivers who are not sure, if they can join, should place their name on the Waiting List.

Alcohol consumption is not allowed on our club’s trips, drives & camping, according to our safety regulations.

Carry with you some plastic bags, to bring out of the desert, what you brought in.

During the registration Marshals may decide who to allow on this trip and the final cars in the convoy.

Newbies 5+

  1. ..
  2. ..
  3. ..
  4. ..
  5. ..
  6. ..
  7. ..
  8. ..
  9. ..
  10. ..

Waiting List

  1. ..
  2. ..
  3. ..
  4. ..


  1. Alkhatib, Wrangler, 0507665522
  2. Abu Jimmy , 050 4664001 , The Notorious Goldy


Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:29 pm
by Sandskull
Newbies 5+

  1. Sandskull - 0556380757 - XJ
  2. ..
  3. ..
  4. ..
  5. ..
  6. ..
  7. ..
  8. ..
  9. ..
  10. ..

Waiting List

  1. ..
  2. ..
  3. ..
  4. ..


  1. Alkhatib, Wrangler, 0507665522
  2. Abu Jimmy , 050 4664001 , The Notorious Goldy

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:33 pm
by ekkajay
Hi Abu Jimmy,

Is it possible to join the drive in the morning.

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:41 pm
by Abu Jimmy
[quote=ekkajay;24292]Hi Abu Jimmy,

Is it possible to join the drive in the morning.[/quote]

Yes its possible , any registration for the morning drive with out camping please indicate ( morning only ) in your registration. For Example ,

1. Abu jimmy, 050 4664001 , The Notorious Goldy ( morning only )

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:45 pm
by Anis
  1. ..Anis....silver prado ​0503520905
  2. ..
  3. ..

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:47 pm
by Dastoori
Newbies 5+

  1. Sandskull - 0556380757 - XJ
  2. Anis, silver prado, 0503520905
  3. Dastoori, 0561465607, JK
  4. ..
  5. ..
  6. ..
  7. ..
  8. ..
  9. ..
  10. ..

Waiting List

  1. ..
  2. ..
  3. ..
  4. ..


  1. Alkhatib, Wrangler, 0507665522
  2. Abu Jimmy , 050 4664001 , The Notorious Goldy

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:00 pm
by yasir
Newbies 5+

  1. Sandskull - 0556380757 - XJ
  2. Anis, silver prado, 0503520905
  3. Dastoori, 0561465607, JK
  4. Yasir, 0503594138, TJ
  5. ..
  6. ..
  7. ..
  8. ..
  9. ..
  10. ..

Waiting List

  1. ..
  2. ..
  3. ..
  4. ..


  1. Alkhatib, Wrangler, 0507665522
  2. Abu Jimmy , 050 4664001 , The Notorious Goldy

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:02 pm
by Anis
  1. Sandskull - 0556380757 - XJ
  2. Dastoori, 0561465607, JK
  3. ..
  4. .

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:04 pm
by Bu-Shahid
Wish you a nice trip is 5+ :005:, will have some other chances to join you...
enjoy your time.

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:13 pm
by sami
Newbies 5+

  1. Sandskull - 0556380757 - XJ
  2. Dastoori, 0561465607, JK
  3. Yasir, 0503594138, TJ
  4. sami, 0507255380, JK wrangler (morning only)
  5. ..
  6. ..
  7. ..
  8. ..
  9. ..

Waiting List

  1. Anis, silver prado, ​0503520905
  2. ..
  3. ..
  4. ..


  1. Alkhatib, Wrangler, 0507665522
  2. Abu Jimmy , 050 4664001 , The Notorious Goldy