Little Bit Technical VI

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Hello everyone!

@Daggerfall, thank you for organising such a drive, for pushing us more and letting us learn more.

Thank all the participants, who made this event happened.

Thank all the intermediates for rescue and support.

And of course, huge thank to each and everyone for escorting the beautiful Tesla out of the desert back home safe and sound. But this story will stay in a desert.

See you all in September!

Yours Vika.
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Dear Almosters
It was a very early start from home! but the weather was pleasant, and I arrived at the meeting point on time.
As I deflated everyone started to arrive, it might have been early morning, but everyone was wide awake and eager to start the drive.
@Daggerfall took the attendance and described the track and what to expect on the drive.
@Larrni was positioned in 2nd lead with myself and @Galindaks positioned within the convoy. @PedroLead would be our sweeper and @Alshamsi_M floating marshal with @Tom_vanhoutan as co-pilot/cameraman
@Daggerfall had chosen an amazing track with straight climbs/crosses, arches and some side cresting to give the 10+ Newbies a little taste of what was to come in the next level.
We had a few stucks, popouts and second tries which is to be expected, some of the Newbies were very surprised by the level of the drive, it certainly had their adrenaline pumping and coming to the realization they still had a lot of work to do in developing their skills.
The key points to remember from this drive:
- Tire pressure is crucial when starting to drive at higher levels 2-3psi can be the difference between making the climb or getting stuck.
- Radio Communication, you need to quickly report 2nd tries, clear and stucks to keep the convoy moving and of course to avoid surprises for the car behind you.
- Ensure you are carrying all the required tools – you never know when you will need them – if you are not sure go to the forum and review the list.
Towards the end of the drive the newbies were able to gain firsthand experience of exactly what the culture of Almost4x4 is all about with emphasis on safety, teamwork and the need to have the correct tools.
We reached the end point at the road a little later than planned, inflated and headed home.

Thank you to @Daggerfall for arranging, @Larrni for a great 2nd lead, @PedoLeah for sweeping like a true pro and of course @Alshamsi_m for the guidance to everyone and @Tom_vanhouten for capturing ALL of the action in the 360 camera – P.S. the part where you snuck up on me and caught my “technical” break can surely be deleted along with other incidents prior to publication, Sometimes the best stories are the ones that are only told around the camp fire.
Until the next Adventure

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Hi Almosters!

I love early morning drives. It feels like we are not yet in the summer until 09:30. After that, you start feeling the very hot weather you're kidding, right

The plan was to expose our newbie members to combination of different types of obstacles with faster pace. And I hope the plan has worked have a nice day

In some areas the sand was so soft even a small climb became a challenge.

We managed to overcome all the challenges during the drive with great team work and support and I believe these experiences improved our members confidence to handle any situation they might encounter in the desert. Which is one of the most important objectives of our club. thumbsup

Thanks to all participated and supported and see you on the next adventure!
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Greetings off-road adventurers,

I'm excited to share our recent off-road journey, the "Little Bit Technical VI" drive, which took place in the challenging terrains of Al Faqa. Here's a recap of our thrilling adventure:

Our day began at the crack of dawn, with the meeting time set at 6 am. Al Faqa's landscape has evolved, becoming more technical with its soft sand and bushes, offering a new set of challenges.

As the convoy formed, I found myself appointed toward the end, with Brett a couple of cars ahead, Pedro sweeping, and Larni second lead. Daggerfall leading and Shamsi floating around and always present.

Throughout the drive, the convoy encountered opportunities to navigate atop the dunes and engage in side cresting on small and mid-sized dunes. The soft sand and technical terrain put our skills to the test.

Moving smoothly, we encountered a couple of stucks and second tries, but the camaraderie and support within the group shone through. Radio communication proved to be an essential skill for faster and higher-level drives, and we embraced it as a reflex, enhancing our coordination and overall experience.

Despite facing challenges along the way, the true spirit of ALMOST 4x4 was evident when two problems arose. The members of our off-roading family rallied together, offering assistance and showcasing the unity that defines our community.

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Daggerfall, Shamsi and the rest of the drivers for such a nice Saturday morning.

Best regards,
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