May the 4rth Be With You.

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Hi everyone,

It was nice to see all the regular 10+ members on this still cool morning in one of our regular areas for a morning drive.

@Agalon organised this drive and gave a new flavour to the mature now 10+ drivers to follow the lead of a Jeep.
The briefing was short and to the point highlighting mostly the sand condition after the rain and the importance of safety.

With @Solmaz on marshal floating duty, and a numbers of intermediates on a rescue mission the convoy moved out with @Agalon giving @Vika the responsibility of the second lead.

Mid half of the drive the convoy was moving on a moderate pace with no major issues.

Second lead was strong with the front of the convoy holding up while the end of the convoy was fighting for survival.

At the second half of the drive things got more complicated. The lead car raised the bar and the weaknesses of some drivers were more easily exposed.

Lessons learned from this drive were as follows:
A) read the track of the convoy ahead be prepared for where u will enter a crest and which is the exit side
B) position your car on the crest slightly more to the exit side. That will give u more clearance.
C) reach the crest with enough speed to a point that if u relax ur foot from the accelerator the car will mount the crest on ots own
D) Don't side slide on your attempt to ride the crest. If u don't get it on the entrance point that the lead car draft then have a second try
E) At this level (especially the second half of the convoy) You can slightly change the tra k while climbing to enable you to avoid the chewed up track.

I trust that all members had great time yesterday with the intermediates having almost 0 rescues and the Newbies had a long rush of adrenaline.

I will suggest that u review the comments that u guys received during the drive and aim to tackle them down on the up coming drive next week.

Congratulations to all drivers for a well executed drive.

Looking forward to see u all again next week.
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As the clock struck the appointed hour, I arrived punctually at the meeting point, wasting no time in preparing my vehicle for the eagerly anticipated journey ahead.

This excursion marked my inaugural drive under the seasoned guidance of Organizer and Lead Marshal, @Agalon . With anticipation running high, my fellow participants and I were brimming with excitement, unsure of what challenges lay in store. However, one thing was certain – this would be no ordinary jaunt.

Despite the firm sand conditions attributed to the weather, there was no reprieve in sight for an easy ride. The formidable terrain demanded our utmost attention and skill, promising an exhilarating test of our off-road prowess.

Assisting @Agalon were the invaluable support of @giorgio and @Solmaz , serving as floating marshals, while @Mghoneim , @Giovanni , and @mpodroid expertly fulfilled their roles as floating intermediates and sweepers, ensuring the safety and cohesion of our convoy.

Our journey unfolded with a flurry of action, punctuated by challenging crests and side crests that pushed us to our limits. At times, we found ourselves retracing our steps, guided by @giorgio 's astute direction to refine our approach angles and speeds. Remarkably, what initially seemed like daunting obstacles on our first attempts were effortlessly conquered on the second, a testament to the power of precision and technique.

With each successful maneuver, a palpable sense of confidence permeated our convoy, transforming what could have been mere retries into moments of triumph. Special commendation goes to @Vika , who flawlessly navigated the role of second lead, exhibiting poise and skill befitting a seasoned professional.

As the dust settled on this remarkable adventure, my thoughts turned eagerly to the upcoming drive scheduled for the weekend. With newfound skills honed and camaraderie forged, I anticipate even greater challenges and triumphs in the days ahead.

Heartfelt gratitude is extended to Agalon for orchestrating an unforgettable journey, and to @giorgio , @Solmaz , @Mghoneim , @mpodroid , and @Giovanni ni for their unwavering support and guidance every step of the way.

See you all on sand soon.

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Dearest Almosters,

Forget about conveniences, narrative, introductions… this drive was absolutely freaking awesome ! I had so much fun, I can’t wait for the next hoping it will be as good as this one !!!!

I changed my mind about wet sand after raining days… Al Faqa and being at the back of the convoy…BRING IT ON!!! 😌

What to say… if you weren’t in that drive… well… you missed out big time ! It’s not often that you can be gratified by the presence of 1,2,3 marshals in the same drive : Agalon, Solmaz and Giorgio ! 🤩 Very first time driving under the lead of Agalon for most of us, and I can affirm that « il nous a régalé ! » (something close to « he delighted us »).
And of course this would not have been possible if Giorgio didn’t throw us under the bus during the 1st minute of the briefing after Agalon admitted he doesn’t really know us… telling him to enjoy and have fun (content not to be disclosed… if you really want to know what was said… well… you had to be present 😝😌) but that was surely a punch line, can’t expect less from Giorgio 😌😉

Overall if I had to describe that drive, I would say this was a fun journey from Faqa to Qudra, with lots of side sloping & cresting, switching, a few ridges, a drive through technical area and a few ditches… (only)because Giorgio was in the drive (to illustrate, Giorgio’s relationship toward ditches could be compared with the ability of Lisan al Gaib to summon desert worms… he callS upon them and here they are!).
Additionally… I had to be crested at least once (not that I want to make it a new habit… it only happened because I got my rope out so… couldn’t leave it unused, how unfair would that be !😬🤥) and finally, we stopped by the swimming pool and it seems that the water was good (some of us can actually confirm 🫢).

Any take away from the drive ? Absolutely !!! With more eyes observing us we certainly earn more feedbacks on how to ride the top of the crest : using 2 wheels as a hook 🪝 to stabilize our car and driving 1st gear slow, steady, focusing on control. Also practicing our good decision making : aborting at the right moment and doing second trials ! Hard sand made it easier so that was an excellent practice of these skills!

I will end my report by saying the following : Guys, ladies, marshals… I love you ❤️ ! Thank you so much to our marshals for giving us your time, sharing your knowledge and your attention ! And last but not least the support team: MGhoneim (thanks for the pull), Mpdroid & Giovanni we felt your care 🤗.
Thanks to the media crew for catching that beautiful drive and taking nice shots.
And also… well done to our second lead @Vika who smashed it 🙌🏼!!!

See you very soon (hopefully next week!)

Ps: if you ask me if this was a hard drive I would say just the right amount of challenges to feel the fun. A thrilling experience!

Take care !
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Hello everyone!

Finally, the emotions have settled, and there's a chance to share my report on the recent drive under@Agalon leadership. This was my first drive with him, and before this, I had only heard that @Agalon is a marshal who isn't easy to follow. Well, I got to experience that firsthand.
Location Al Faqaa,
Meeting time - 7:00am,
Event start - 7:30am.

It must be acknowledged that the weather this year didn't match the season at all, coupled with all the natural calamities, this drive promised to be challenging from the beginning. Personally, wet sand has never been an indicator of easy drive for me; rather, it requires extra concentration since you never know what awaits beneath the seemingly solid surface.

Adding to the weather conditions, another surprise was being appointed as the second lead. After a short briefing, Agalon advised me to maintain a distance that would allow me to follow his track but not lose the necessary momentum, a Jeep, (especially manua)l, behaves entirely differently, than an FJ whoch requires more momentum and time to react correctly to various maneuvers. Noted! The convoy was formed, the command to start was given, and that's when it all began. Honestly, I couldn't even imagine that this very familiar terrain of Al Faqaa could provide such a level of difficulty. And where did Agalon find such lines? This track contained everything to maximize adrenaline in combination with practicing existing skills and acquiring new ones. Like never before, I realized that speed is not the most crucial aspect of overcoming obstacles; what matters is full control and feeling of your car.

I can confidently say that this was the most intense drive. In conclusion, I can say that each of us coped with the assigned task safe and sound. Each of us gained new skills and had the opportunity to correct existing mistakes. I want to express my gratitude to the marshals @Solmaz , @giorgio , the support team, and all the participants, who made this event happened.

Looking forward to see you all soon!

With love in love

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Hello Almosters,

Arrived to the meeting point on time with alot of excitement to experience the lead of @Agalon and it was well worth it. A very consice briefing included the plan (Faqaa to Qudra) with @Agalon leading , @Solmaz & @giorgio floating marshals, and surprisingly @Giovanni & myself as floating intermediates, and @mpodroid sweeping.

I was excited to experience floating for the first time with the club ,and it was a great experience, I just wished we were at sweihan or further south :).

I would say the convoy flow wasn't the best, proper distance , & radio communication can improve to enhance the flow. @Agalon mentioned that he just chose the starting point and end point and he is choosing the track on the fly and I really liked his lines eventhough I had to watch it most of the time and pick my own as well. It was a bit challenging to find a nice track next to the convoy as @Agalon reserved the best picks for the newbies.

Overall it was an amazing drive for everyone and it was evident on our faces when we arrived in Al Qudra.

Looking forward to @Agalon 's next intermediate drive.

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